QUIZ NIGHT 27-April-2015 at the Albert pub, Llandudno and News

Posted on Sunday, 26th Apr, 2015 at 03:39:56 PM

Dear Friends,

I see on facebook Graham has been united with his son and what a happy little boy he is spending time and being with his loving dad.

This should surely make us double our efforts to bring about the end of unnecessary alienation of children from their mums, dads and grandparents.

Well done Graham and our best wishes for the future.

Our congratulations to Ian who is breaking new ground and pushing out the boundaries in the family courts.

I expect we will get more from Ian as he gains more and more experience by representing us and his clients.

I have been asked by the Petitions Committee of the National Assembly of Wales for my response regarding my petition for a Charter for Grandchildren which I submitted in July 2009.

I wish now I had petitioned instead for a Charter for Children but it was mainly grandparents I was trying to help at that time.

Nevertheless I will continue with what I am doing and hopefully the group will expand and be an influence on others.

Now we have our Quiz Night tomorrow, 27-April at 9.00pm in the Albert Public House in Madoc Street Llandudno.

Please make an effort to be there because this is part of our social strategy to bond the group together and encourage others to join us.

Many thanks and I hope to see you there.


Posted on Sunday, 26th Apr, 2015 at 03:39:56 PM

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